Continuing Education
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There is no better time to take the next step in your educational journey by enrolling in a Workforce Development/Continuing Education class at Gaston College. We are committed to providing our students with quality courses that range from job skill enhancement to personal enrichment, which truly allows you to “Own Your Momentum”. Our partnerships with the local businesses and industries of Gaston and Lincoln Counties provide us with the knowledge of the specific skills you need to get a job and succeed in your career.  Registration for most classes is offered online through our website, on a first-come, first-serve basis, which allows payment to be made at the time of registration. All course costs must be paid in advance for a student to be officially registered.


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Continuing Education

Job and Career


    This new twelve-week online program, containing two courses, provides you with the essentials of the accounting field. The first course delivers you the basics of bookkeeping and financial transactions. You will gain hands-on experience with accounts receivable, accounts payable, payroll, and more. Once you are acquainted with the basics, you will proceed with the next course. During the second course you will learn about corporate accounting practices including plant assets, dividends, and financial reports. Please follow the ed2go registration instructions.

    Hours: 48
  • American Heart Association Courses (Hybrid)

    Are you looking for a flexible and convenient way to meet your AHA training needs? Courses offered include Basic Life Support CPR, Heartsaver First Aid, CPR and AED for the Workplace, Bloodborne Pathogens, Advanced Cardiac Life Support, and Pediatric Advanced Life Support.

  • CAM: CNC Milling (Spring 2024)

    This course introduces Computer Numerical Control graphics programming and concepts for machining center applications. Emphasis is placed on developing a shape file in a graphics CAM system and transferring coded information from CAM graphics to the CNC milling center. Upon completion, students should be able to develop a complete job plan using CAM software to create a multi-axis CNC program.

    Hours: 56
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  • Certified Six Sigma Green Belt - ONLINE

    In this course, you’ll learn how to effectively apply the concepts and methods of Six Sigma. You’ll discover how value-stream mapping, failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA), process capability, control charts, statistical process control (SPC), design of experiments (DOE), and many more—can increase your overall quality IQ. After completing this course, you’ll be prepared to sit for the Six Sigma Green Belt certification exam offered by the American Society for Quality (ASQ) as well as be positioned to add value to a wide variety of organizations, including manufacturing companies, service operations, and the government sector. You may begin this program at any time and will be given six months to complete the training.

    Hours: 120
  • Computer Basics (Basic PC Literacy)

    This course provides an overview of computer concepts. Emphasis is placed on the use of personal computers and software applications for personal and fundamental workplace use. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate basic personal computer skills.

    Hours: 41
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  • CNC Milling

    This course introduces the manual programming, setup, and operation of CNC machining centers. Topics include programming formats, control functions, program editing, part production, and inspection. Upon completion, students should be able to manufacture simple parts using CNC machining centers.

    Hours: 55
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  • Cybersecurity Essentials

    Cyber risk is on the rise. The Cyber Readiness Program can help you protect your data, your employees, your vendors, and your customers. This online program is designed to help small and medium-sized enterprises become more secure against today’s most common cyber vulnerabilities.

    Hours: 24
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  • Electronic Notary (Electronic Notarization) ONLINE

    Electronic notarization is the process of applying an electronic notary signature and seal onto an electronic document in a completely electronic and paperless transaction.

    Hours: 3
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  • Effective Business Writing - ONLINE

    Improve your career prospects by learning how to develop powerful written documents that draw readers in and keep them motivated to continue to the end. Please follow the ed2go registration instructions.

    Hours: 24
  • Forklift Training: Basic Operator

    Gain the fundamental knowledge and skills necessary to operate a sit-down counterbalanced, LP gas powered forklift. Learn safety aspects, operations, basic maintenance, and OSHA compliance issues. Upon successful completion of the course, the student will earn an operator’s certificate. Manual included in the cost of the course.

    Hours: 6
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  • Forklift Training: Train the Trainer

    Train others to operate a forklift. Training is based on the requirements of the OSHA Standard to develop a forklift training class. Attendees should be experienced forklift (powered industrial) truck drivers.

    Hours: 7
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  • Manicure/Nail Technology

    This comprehensive course provides instruction and clinical practice in manicuring, nail building (application and maintenance of artificial nails) and pedicuring. The course content includes nail anatomy, disorders of nails, and irregularities of nails; theory and salesmanship as it relates to manicuring; actual practice in manicuring; and arm, hand, and foot massage. Manicurist students must complete 300 hours in an approved beauty school or college before applying to the State Board of Cosmetic Arts for examination. Students enrolled only in manicuring shall only perform services directly relating to the prescribed course in manicuring. Please note, this is a comprehensive course to provide training for those persons interested in becoming registered manicurists only and not desiring to become licensed cosmetologists.

    Hours: 324.5
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  • Microsoft Office Classes - ONLINE

    Several levels of Microsoft Office Access, Excel, Project, Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, and Publisher courses are available through Please follow the registration instructions.

    Hours: 24
  • National Career Readiness Certificate

    Learn more about our regular testing schedule and sign up today.

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  • Natural Hair Care

    The Workforce Development/Continuing Education department offers the Natural Hair Care program which includes a combination of classroom theory, lab, and salon experience.

    Hours: 341
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  • Notary Public

    You will need this required course to obtain a commission as a Notary Public in North Carolina. It can be used for all current Notaries as a refresher course.

    Hours: 7
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  • Nurse Aide Certification I, II, and Refresher

    Continuing Education offers the Nurse Aide program and a hybrid Nurse Aide I Refresher course.

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  • Paramedic Refresher Course

    The Paramedic Refresher course follows the guidelines established by the NC Office of EMS, and adheres to the EMS Education Standards, the American Heart Association, the National Registry of EMTs, and introduces the new NCCP guidelines. Students must be currently or previously credentialed as a NC and/or NREMT Paramedic, have a high school diploma or high school equivalency, and have basic reading comprehension and English skills. This course includes an online component, psychomotor skills practice and evaluation, and a comprehensive evaluation. You must take the entire course to receive course credit.

    Hours: 72
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  • Pharmacy Technician

    The Pharmacy Technician Training course includes classroom theory, lab, and a clinical externship.

    Hours: 208
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  • Phlebotomy

    Continuing Education offers the Phlebotomy program which includes classroom theory, lab, and a clinical externship which requires attending a clinical site to complete a minimum of 75 successful venipunctures and 144 hours of clinical externship. The first ten (10) weeks will consist of lectures and labs, during which students will practice procedures prior to attending clinical training. The remaining six (6) weeks of the semester will consist of clinical hours off-site during a daytime clinical rotation at a local medical facility.

    Hours: 203
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  • Real Estate Broker Pre-Licensing

    Successful completion of the Broker Pre-licensing Course is generally required to qualify for the North Carolina (NC) real estate license examination and to obtain a NC real estate broker license. The primary objectives of this course are (1) to provide students with the basic knowledge and skills necessary to act as licensed real estate brokers in North Carolina in a manner that protects and serves the public interest and (2) to prepare students for the NC real estate license examination.

    Hours: 81
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    Become a professional in the HR world by taking the Society of Human Resource Managers exam. HR professionals, who implement policies and strategies, serve as a point of contact for staff and are stakeholders.

    Hours: 120
  • Teacher Renewal - ONLINE

    Courses are available online through ed2go for teacher renewal credit. Courses include Solving Classroom Discipline Problems, Content Literacy, Teaching Smarter with SMART Boards, and many more. Please visit for a complete list.

    Hours: 24
  • TEAS Test Prep Class

    Gaston College offers a four-day, low cost prep class for the ATI TEAS Test. Students who complete the 4-day class will receive a certificate of completion and 0.5 point toward their Gaston College ADN and PN application. The class will prepare test takers for all four parts of the ATI TEAS Test: 1. Mathematics, 2. Science: Biology, Chemistry, Anatomy, and Physiology, 3. Reading, 4. English and Language Usage.

    Hours: 16
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  • Test Preparation - ONLINE

    Gaston College offers several test preparation courses online through ed2go. These six-week courses provide test-taking skills, insight into the questions you may expect, and instruction on how to approach the different test questions you will encounter. Test preparation courses for the GMAT, GRE, LSAT, SAT/ACT, and more are available.

    Hours: 24
  • Wastewater Treatment I & II

    This course is designed to fulfill the requirements leading to Wastewater Operator Level I & II as established by the North Carolina Department of Natural Resources.

    Hours: 60
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No-Cost Classes

  • Basic Computer Technology Awareness

    Learn basic computers skills and technology-based job search skills. Class includes workplace skills and presenting yourself in the most positive light.

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Small Business/Entrepreneurship

  • Basics of Bookkeeping

    A local CPA/accountant discusses how to “set up the books” for your business.

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  • Facebook Shops & Facebook Marketplace

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  • Financing Your Business

    This seminar is a continuation of the business planning process and a discussion of funding sources for your business.

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  • Growing Your Business on Etsy

    Etsy is a rapidly growing online marketplace for selling handmade goods, vintage items and craft supplies. With more than 50 million active buyers, there’s no better place to launch your own creative small business. Attend this class to learn how to sell your art work, jewelry, crafts, and vintage items in this easy fast paced class!

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  • How to Build a Wix Website

    Wix is the world’s most popular website design platform. You’ll find specialized features to create a professional website and manage your business with Wix.

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  • How to Find Your Customers

    This seminar will help you better understand your customers and how to reach them via use of demographics and psychographics. It will also include using social media.

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  • How to Start A Business

    This introductory seminar is designed to acquaint the business owner-to-be with the tools necessary to start their respective business. You will take lessons from an entrepreneur who has “been there, done that."

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  • How to Write a Business Plan

    A local banker discusses the necessity and technique of developing and writing your business plan.

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  • Insurance Issues for Small Business

    A local insurance agent discusses the insurance needs of small business.

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  • Legal Issues for Small Business

    A local attorney discusses issues on business organization, legal obligations and the rights and legal liability of the small business owner.

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  • Marketing Your Business

    This seminar is designed to introduce the business owner to the essential tools needed for branding and marketing.

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  • Successful Sales on Amazon

    Amazon is the leading e-commerce website in the United States with more than $370 billion dollars in 2020 net sales. Amazon has more than 350 million active customer accounts worldwide. In this fast paced class you’ll learn How the secrets of Amazon's Search Algorithm, how to register & choose the account that fits your goals, and list an item on Amazon for free to maximize your profitability.

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  • The Basics of Selling on Ebay

    A great seminar for the “beginner”, small business owner, or the entrepreneur wanting to make eBay a primary business tool. During this fast-paced session, learn best practices to use when setting up an account, listing items for sale, taking payments, and shipping.

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  • Your Small Business Taxes

    A local CPA/accountant discusses financial statement formulation and terminology, self-employment and payroll taxes, tax theory and forms, and aspects of interacting with your finance and accounting professional.

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Continuing Education Online

  • Accounting Fundamentals - Online

    In this comprehensive course, you will learn the basics of double-entry bookkeeping, as well as how to analyze and record financial transactions. You will get hands-on experience with handling accounts receivable, accounts payable, payroll procedures, sales taxes, and various common banking activities. Accounting Fundamentals covers all the bases, from writing checks to preparing an income statement and closing out accounts at the end of each fiscal period. Whether you're a sole proprietor looking to manage your business finances or you simply want to gain an understanding of accounting basics for career advancement or for personal use, this course will give you a solid foundation in financial matters.

    Hours: 24
  • Complete List of Online Classes

    Do you want to upgrade your skills, but don't have the time to fit a traditional, on-campus class into your hectic schedule? Gaston College offers non-credit continuing education courses over the Internet. Enroll and study in the privacy of your own home.

  • Discover Sign Language - Online

    Discover the graceful and expressive language of sign language and learn to communicate with anyone, anywhere, just by using your hands! With this American Sign Language (ASL) course, you can unlock this rewarding ability and master communicating with Deaf people. Throughout your online sign language training course, you will learn to fingerspell the alphabet, sign colors, numbers, objects, and family members. You will acquire a wide range of useful, everyday vocabulary that will enable you to engage in meaningful conversations with members of the Deaf community. Using video demonstrations, you will understand how to form correct signs and incorporate facial expressions to communicate beautifully in sign language. Explore the history and usage of American Sign Language (ASL) and how to navigate the culture and social customs of the Deaf community. By the end of this sign language course, you will be confident and ready to participate in a conversation using the power of sign language.

    Hours: 24
  • Introduction to Quickbooks – Online

    This QuickBooks course will teach you how to manage your business finances with QuickBooks Online. This powerful accounting software has helped millions of small business owners oversee their finances. Now that the cloud-based version is outpacing the desktop version, there's no better time to refresh your QuickBooks knowledge. You will learn to use key features of QuickBooks Online and gain hands-on experience creating invoices, receipts, and statements; track payables, inventory, and receivables; generating reports; and more. Whether you're new to QuickBooks or need a quick refresher, this course will empower you to take control of your business's financial accounting, all with the ease and convenience of an online platform.

    Hours: 24
  • Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2016 - Online

    If you work with numbers, you need to master Microsoft Excel 2016! This hands-on course will teach you dozens of shortcuts and tricks for setting up fully-formatted worksheets quickly and efficiently. You will also learn the secrets behind writing powerful mathematical formulas and discover how to use the function wizard to quickly and automatically calculate statistics, loan payments, future value, and more. In addition, you will get tips on sorting and analyzing data, designing custom charts and graphs, creating three-dimensional workbooks, building links between files, endowing your worksheets with decision-making capabilities, and automating frequently repeated tasks with macros and buttons. You will also learn Excel 2016 features, including Quick Analysis, Flash Fill, and new charting capabilities. This is not a tutorial, but an in-depth class. By the time you're done, you will be using this vital Office 2016 application like a pro.

    Hours: 24
  • Online Career Training Courses

    Gaston College, in partnership with ed2go, offers non-credit online open enrollment programs designed to provide the skills necessary to acquire professional level positions for many in-demand occupations. Our programs are designed by a team of professionals from each respective field, providing you with effective web-based learning programs. Instructors/mentors are actively involved in your online learning experience, responding to any questions or concerns, as well as encouraging and motivating you to succeed. Please visit the following link to embark on your career training journey today!

  • Speed Spanish - Online

    Whether you are just starting to learn Spanish or need to improve your conversational skills for an upcoming trip, this online Spanish course is the best way to learn Spanish fast! You will learn simple formulas for joining Spanish words and phrases together to build sentences and have conversations. The straightforward yet powerful sentence-building strategies presented in this course will help you learn Spanish online for work, travel, or just for fun. After completing this Speed Spanish course, you will be able to converse in Spanish using common words and phrases, understand Spanish nouns and verbs, discuss Spanish culture, and use numbers to discuss dates, times, and money. You will gain confidence and preparedness to travel to Spanish-speaking countries—and can even help boost your career opportunities.

    Hours: 24

Advanced Career Training Courses


    Six Sigma is a set of processes that eliminate failures and ensure quality in an organization's products and services. It is considered a world-class standard of excellence in business operations. In this 100% online course, you will learn the Six Sigma techniques and methods at a level that qualifies you for Green Belt status. Upon successful completion, you will be prepared for the Six Sigma Green Belt certification examination offered through the American Society for Quality (ASQ®).

    Hours: 120
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  • Complete Project Manager with CAPM and PMP Prep - Online

    The Complete Project Manager with CAPM® and PMP® Prep course is designed for seasoned project managers—providing you with a strong grasp of project management from start to finish. You will cover a good foundation of project management concepts and terminology, before deepening your understanding and practical application of project management tools, methods, and processes.

    Hours: 250
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    Gaston College, in partnership with ed2go, offers non-credit online open enrollment programs designed to provide the skills necessary to acquire professional level positions for many in-demand occupations. Our programs are designed by a team of professionals from each respective field, providing you with effective web-based learning programs. Instructors/mentors are actively involved in your online learning experience, responding to any questions or concerns, as well as encouraging and motivating you to succeed. Please visit the following link to embark on your career training journey today!

  • Freight Broker/Agent Training - Online

    Gain the comprehensive skills needed to build a successful freight brokerage or freight brokerage agency—100% online. Learn key freight fundamentals for future success, such as the laws and terminology, setting up your business, valuable tools and software, contracts, and forms, how to find shippers and do ratings, and much more.

    Hours: 100
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  • Human Resources Professional - Online

    The Human Resources Professional course prepares you for a career and professional certification in human resources (HR). This course explores the foundational aspects of HR, including human resource laws, hiring disciplines, and labor relations. You will learn industry-recognized practices that align with the Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI) and the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM).

    Hours: 150
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  • Peer Support Specialist - Online

    This online course will introduce you to Peer Recovery Services, which are provided by people who have personal experience in recovery from addiction, mental illness, or co-occurring substance and mental disorders.

    Hours: 40
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Adult Education

  • Adult High School

    The Adult High School Diploma program (AHS) offers you a chance to complete the credits you did not earn in high school and receive a high school diploma through an agreement with the NC Community College System, the NC Department of Public Instruction, and Gaston and Lincoln County Schools.

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  • Basic Skills Plus

    We offer the Basic Skills Plus Program for students seeking an Adult High School diploma or High School Equivalency diploma and would like to begin training for certification in the high demand careers of Welding, Office Administration, or Computer-Integrated Machining Technology.

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  • English as a Second Language

    English as a Second Language (ESL) provides instruction for individuals with limited English proficiency. ESL stresses development of basic language skills in preparation for daily life, employment, and citizenship.

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  • Gaston College NCWorks NEXTGEN

    Gaston College NCWorks NEXTGEN program is federally funded and designed to help young adults achieve their educational and employment goals. NCWorks NEXTGEN's ultimate goal is to educate and prepare young adults for self-sufficiency in the world of work and life.

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  • GED®/HSE Testing

    The GED® Test is the test students take to earn their High School Equivalency Diploma. When a student reaches the High School Equivalency level the student and instructor work closely to prepare for practice and official GED® testing.

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  • High School Equivalency

    High School Equivalency focuses on the preparation for the GED® exam, which includes four tests in the areas of Reasoning through Language Arts (RLA), Social Studies, Science, and Math.

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Auto / Motorcycle / Defensive Driving

  • Automotive

    Anyone needing to attend a NC Auto Inspection class (Safety and/or OBD II) must register and pay prior to class. This has eliminated the need for billing or collecting payments & registrations the night of class.

    Hours: 8
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  • Defensive Driving

    Our defensive driving courses are designed with this need in mind. Each of our three class options will teach you how to make the safest choices behind the wheel.

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  • Escort Vehicle Certification

    This 8-hour class is available for new certifications required by North Carolina General Statutes for oversized/overweight vehicle escorts.

    Hours: 8
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  • Escort Vehicle Renewal

    This 4-hour provides the renewal certification required by the North Carolina General Statutes for oversize/overweight vehicle escorts.

    Hours: 4
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  • Motorcycle Basic Rider Course - Two Wheel

    Learn to control your motorcycle and reduce the risks involved in riding. Although the DMV motorcycle skills test will be waived, the course does not exempt each applicant from taking the required North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles written test. Some insurance companies give a discount upon successful completion of the class. This is a Saturday and Sunday class. (Insurance included.)

    Hours: 14
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Personal Enrichment

  • Genealogy and Family History, Beginners & Advanced

    Want to learn how to do basic genealogical and local historical research using pertinent records, Internet search opportunities, and other sources? This class will prepare the beginner to do research, survey and select appropriate documents, evaluate documents and research plans, and will provide opportunities to organize and analyze materials. Field trips will be part of the class.

    Hours: 20
  • Speed Spanish Bundle

    Imagine yourself soon being able to speak, read, and write Spanish. This 18-week online series of three courses will give you everything you need to know to learn the Spanish language. The first course will provide you with the basics while the second course provides you with what you need to become more comfortable conversing in Spanish-speaking situations. The third course will give you the advanced knowledge you need to master the Spanish language.

    Hours: 72

Public Safety

  • Basic Law Enforcement Training

    Gaston College provides the basic training that leads to state certification. BLET is an intensive curriculum program of 648 hours (17 weeks – full-time day class; 39 weeks – part-time evening class) that includes both classroom and practical applications.

    Hours: 648
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  • Criminal Justice Academy (CJA)

    Criminal Justice Education and Training and Standards rules require that every law enforcement officer certified in NC must receive 24 credits of in-service training annually.

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    The Emergency Medical Science curriculum provides individuals with the knowledge, skills and attributes to provide advanced emergency medical care as a paramedic for critical and emergent patients who access the emergency medical system and prepares graduates to enter the workforce.

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    The Emergency Medical Science, Paramedic Bridging Track is a degree completion track allowing certified non-degree Paramedics to achieve an Associate of Applied Science Degree in Emergency Medical Science. This program is comprised of major EMS courses along with related courses required in the curriculum.

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  • Fire Protection Technology

    The Fire Protection Technology curriculum is designed to provide individuals with technical and professional knowledge to make decisions regarding fire protection for both public and private sectors. It also provides a sound foundation of continuous higher learning in fire protection, administration, and management.

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  • Fire and Rescue Training

    Learn more about the program and training calendars.

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  • NC Breathing Equipment and Firefighter Survival School

    This course is the premier fire training school that prepares experienced firefighters to operate in smoke and heat conditions to create survivable environments during crisis situations. This is an advanced training class that is physically and psychologically demanding and is designed for capable and qualified individuals.

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  • Regional Emergency Services Training Center (RESTC)

    It is the intent of the Gaston College Regional Emergency Services Training Center to provide basic, continuing, and advanced training to all areas of emergency services – fire, rescue, law enforcement, emergency medical services, and customized Industrial Fire Brigade Training across the southeast.

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Trade Skills Courses

  • Automotive Mechanics

    This course covers the theory, construction, inspection, diagnosis, and repair of internal combustion engines and related systems. Topics include fundamental operating principles of engines and diagnosis, inspection, adjustment, and repair of automotive engines using appropriate service information. Upon completion, students should be able to perform basic diagnosis, measurement and repair of automotive engines using appropriate tools, equipment, procedures, and service information.

    Hours: 112
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  • Gunsmithing I

    This course introduces hand tools, blueprints, and basic machine tools used in gunsmithing. Emphasis is placed on safety and the completion of projects from blueprints using hand and machine tools. Upon completion, students should be able to read and work from blueprints using hand tools and make basic machine tool setups.

    Hours: 192
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  • HVAC Service Technician Intro To

    This 2-week course introduces basic HVAC technician skills including refrigeration, electrical/furnaces, EPA refrigeration processes, air conditioning, change-out and trouble shooting.

    Hours: 80
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  • Industrial Safety

    This course introduces the principles of industrial safety. Emphasis is placed on industrial safety and OSHA regulations. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate knowledge of a safe working environment and OSHA compliance. Students will pay additional $10 for OSHA card during class, date to be determined by instructor.

    Hours: 22
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  • Introduction to Business/Business Management

    This course provides a survey of the business world. Topics include the basic principles and practices of contemporary business. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of business concepts as a foundation for studying other business subjects. For book information on this course, please email or call the Gaston College Bookstore at [email protected] or 704-922-6428.

    Hours: 48
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  • Machining Applications I

    This course provides an introduction to a variety of material-working processes that are common to the machining industry. Topics include safety, process-specific machining equipment, measurement devices, set-up and layout instruments, and common shop practices. Upon completion, students should be able to safely demonstrate basic machining operations, accurately measure components, and effectively use layout instruments. For book information on this course, please email or call the Gaston College Bookstore at [email protected] or 704-922-6428.

    Hours: 112
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  • Machining II (Mornings)

    This course provides instruction in the wide variety of processes associated with machining. Topics include safety, equipment set-up, holding fixtures, tooling, cutting speeds and depths, metal properties, and proper finishes. Upon completion, students should be able to safely demonstrate advanced machining operations, accurately measure components, and produce accurate components with a proper finish.

    Hours: 196
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  • Machining II (Evenings)

    This course provides instruction in the wide variety of processes associated with machining. Topics include safety, equipment set-up, holding fixtures, tooling, cutting speeds and depths, metal properties, and proper finishes. Upon completion, students should be able to safely demonstrate advanced machining operations, accurately measure components, and produce accurate components with a proper finish.

    Hours: 125
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  • Radio and Sports TV Broadcasting

    This course provides direct experience as sportscasters for local sporting events. Emphasis is placed on the application of skills through direct participation in the production and distribution of sporting events. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate competence in interviewing athletes and coaches, as well as writing and producing feature material for broadcast. **Additional time spent outside of class at 5+ games to successfully complete broadcasting requirement and course. For more information, please email us at [email protected].

    Hours: 32
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  • Rigging and Moving

    This course covers the principles of safe rigging practices for handling, placing, installing, and moving heavy machinery and equipment. Topics include safety, weight and dimensional estimation, positioning of equipment slings, rollers, jacks, levers, dollies, ropes, chains, padding, and other related topics. Upon completion, students should be able to safely relocate and set up equipment using accepted rigging practices. Additional Information: This course requires additional coursework to be conducted via the Internet/Blackboard. Access to the Blackboard information will be emailed prior to the beginning of class. For more information, please email us at [email protected].

    Hours: 40
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  • Textile Fundamentals Fall 2024

    This course introduces the basics of the textile industry. Topics include history, textile materials, textile products, utilization, and basic textile manufacturing systems. Upon completion, students should be able to explain the uses of textiles and describe the textile manufacturing processes.

    Hours: 48
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Scholarships - Workforce Development

  • Scholarships-Workforce Development/Continuing Education

    Gaston College Workforce Development/Continuing Education students are highly encouraged to apply for available scholarships and/or grants in several of our courses. Scholarships and grants are offered as long as funding remains available in the following programs:

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