Academic Advising
Student Advising
Academic advising is a shared process wherein you and your advisor work closely together throughout your college experience. Whether your plan is to take a few classes, transfer to another institution, or earn a degree at Gaston College, your advisor will work with you to provide academic advising, career guidance, and academic support services. The Academic Advising Centers embrace a holistic advising approach that supports teaching and learning.
The mission of the Academic Advising Centers is to assist students in connecting their educational goals with their career goals by developing a plan for academic success.
Academic Advisors provide timely, accurate information about academic and career opportunities and requirements, college policies and procedures, and seamless transfer pathways. Through frequent interaction, advisors engage students in an active role in their own academic planning. Academic planning is a shared responsibility between student and advisor.
Arts & Sciences Advising Center
RCB 236
- Associate in Arts
- Associate in Art/Science in Teacher Preparation
- Associate in Engineering
- Associate in Fine Arts in Visual Arts
- Associate in Science
- Biotechnology
- Early Childhood Education
- Special Credit/Visiting Students
For arts and sciences advisors and additional information, visit our Arts & Sciences Advising page.
Career & Technical Education Advising Center
CET 119
- Accounting & Finance
- Air Conditioning, Heating, & Refrigeration Technology
- Applied Engineering Technology
- Automotive System Technology
- Broadcasting & Production Technology
- Business Administration
- Civil Engineering Technology
- Computer-Integrated Machining
- Criminal Justice Technology
- Electrical System Technology
- Electronics Engineering Technology
- General Occupational Technology
- Gunsmithing
- Information Technology
- Mechanical Engineering Technology
- Medical Office Administration
- Office Administration
- Paralegal Technology
- Public Safety Administration
- Supply Chain Management
- Textiles Technology
For career and technical education advisors and additional information, visit our Career and Technical Education Advising page.
Health & Human Services Advising Center
DBC 174
- Associate in General Education
- Associate in General Education-Nursing
- Central Sterile Processing
- Cosmetology
- Emergency Medical Science
- Esthetics
- Fire Protection Technology
- Health & Fitness Science
- Health Information Technology
- Human Services Technology
- Medical Assisting
- Nursing
- Pharmacy Technology
- Respiratory Therapy
- Veterinary Medical Technology
For health and human services advisors and additional information, visit our Health and Human Services Advising page.