Credit for Prior Learning
Awarding of Credits-Credit for Prior Learning
Credit for Prior Learning Options May Include:
Credit by Examination
Students who wish to receive course credit for competencies acquired through work experience or other non-academic experiences can request Credit by Examination. The student is responsible for requesting credit by examination. The instructor, in partnership with the divisional dean, is responsible for granting or denying the request for Credit by Examination. A grade of “CE” is assigned for successful credit by examination on the student’s academic record. Only hours earned for credit are recorded. Credits by Examination will be applied toward graduation requirements, but students must satisfy the graduation requirements related to credit hours completed in attendance at Gaston College. Quality points will not be awarded. A grade of “CE” is not used in computing a student’s grade point average. The instructor is responsible for keeping records of the examination and reporting the results, using the Credit by Examination form, to the Records and Registration Office by the third week of class. Credit by Examination cannot be earned for classes numbered less than 100 or for courses in which the student earned a grade or was enrolled and did not drop prior to the first day of the class. This includes audits and withdrawals.
No student may request Credit by Examination for more than 18 credit hours. Because of the nature of the Emergency Medical Science program, students enrolled in this program are exempt from the college’s policy on maximum “CE” credits.
Effective with the Spring 2014 term, a student who wishes to attempt Credit by Examination must meet with the academic department to provide evidence of proficiency in the course in which he/she is requesting Credit by Examination. The Credit by Examination fee is $50 and the student does not need to register for the class. The examination must be administered during the first 10 days of the semester and may be taken only once. A student who receives any type of financial aid should consult with the Office of Financial Aid before attempting Credit by Examination.
Courses Listed in High School to Community College Articulation Agreements
Students may receive college credit for high school courses if taken within the last 5 years and earned a B or better grade. Students in the Associate in Arts in Teacher Preparation or Associate in Science in Teacher Preparation may receive credit for EDU 187 if Teacher Cadet or Teaching as a Profession courses in in high school with a B or higher grade.
North Carolina High School to Community College CTE Articulation Agreement Approved by the State Board of Community Colleges on May 19, 2023
High School Program Area | High School Course Number & Title | Community College Course Number & Title |
Business, Finance, and Marketing Education | BA10 Accounting I | ACC‐115 College Accounting |
Business, Finance, and Marketing Education | BA20 Accounting II | ACC‐115 College Accounting OR ACC‐150 Accounting Software Application |
Computer Science, IT, and Technology Education | BM10 Microsoft Word and Power Point | OST‐136 Word Processing |
Computer Science, IT, and Technology Education | BM20 Microsoft Excel | CTS‐130 Spreadsheet ANDCTS 230 Advanced Spreadsheet |
Computer Science, IT, and Technology Education | BN20 Network Administration I AND BN22 Network Administration II | NET‐110 Networking Concepts |
Computer Science, IT, and Technology Education | BP01 Introduction to Computer Science | CSC‐119 Programming Orientation |
Computer Science, IT, and Technology Education | BP42 Computer Science II | CSC‐120 Computer Fundamentals I ORCSC 143 Object‐Oriented Programming |
Computer Science, IT, and Technology Education | II11 Cisco Network Engineering Technology I AND II12 Cisco Network Engineering Technology II | NET‐125 Introduction to Networks AND NET‐126 Switching and Routing AND NET‐225 Enterprise Networking |
Computer Science, IT, and Technology Education | II21 Computer Engineering Technology IAND II22 Computer Engineering Technology II | CET‐111 Computer Upgrade/Repair I AND CTS‐120 Hardware/Software Support OR CTI‐130 Os and Device Foundations |
Computer Science, IT, and Technology Education | II45 Adobe Video Design I | DME‐140 Intro to Audio/Video Media |
Family and Consumer Sciences Education | FE11 Early Childhood Education I | EDU‐119 Introduction to Early Childhood Education |
Family and Consumer Sciences Education | FC14 Counseling and Mental Health II | HSE‐120 Interpersonal Relations |
Family and Consumer Sciences Education | FH10 Culinary Arts and Hospitality I FH11 Culinary Arts and Hospitality II ApplicaƟonsFH12 Culinary Arts and Hospitality II InternshipFH13 Culinary Arts and Hospitality III | CUL‐140 Culinary Skills I OR CUL‐142 Fundamentals of Food |
Family and Consumer Sciences Education | FN41 Food and Nutrition I ANDFN42 Food and Nutrition II ‐ Enterprise | CUL‐112 Nutrition for Food Service ANDCUL‐112A Nutrition for Food Service Lab |
Family and Consumer Sciences Education | FN41 Food and Nutrition I ANDFN42 Food and Nutrition II ANDFH10 Culinary Arts and Hospitality I AND FH11 Culinary Arts and Hospitality II Applications ORFH12 Culinary Arts and Hospitality II Internship | CUL‐110 Sanitation & Safety AND CUL‐110A Sanitation & Safety Lab |
Family and Consumer Sciences Education | FN43 Food Science and Technology | CUL‐150 Food Science ANDCUL‐150A Food Science Lab |
Health Science Education | HN43 Nursing Fundamentals and Practicum | NAS‐101 Nursing Aide I |
Health Science Education | HH32 Pharmacy Technician | PHM‐165 Pharmacy Prof Practice |
Business, Finance, and Marketing Education | ME11 Entrepreneurship I | BUS‐139 Entrepreneurship I ORETR 210 Introduction to Entrepreneurship |
Business, Finance, and Marketing Education | MM51 Marketing | MKT‐120 Principles of Marketing |
Business, Finance, and Marketing Education | MI31 Sales I | MKT‐123 Fundamentals of Selling |
Trade and Industrial Education | IT11 Automotive Service Fundamentals | TRN 110 Introduction to Transportation Technology |
Trade and Industrial Education | IT16 Automotive Service I AND IT17 Automotive Service II AND IT18 Automotive Service III | TRN‐111 Chassis Maint/Light Repair AND TRN‐112 Powertrain Maint/Light Repair ANDAUT‐113 Automotive Servicing I * Must complete MLR Task List |
Trade and Industrial Education | IT30 Collision Repair Fundamentals | TRN 110 Introduction to Transportation Technologies |
Trade and Industrial Education | IT30 Collision Repair Fundamentals ANDIT31 Collision Repair I AND IT32 Collision Repair II‐ Non‐structural | AUB‐121 Non‐structural Damage I |
Trade and Industrial Education | IT30 Collision Repair Fundamentals AND IT31 Collision Repair I ANDIT33 Collision Repair II ‐ Refinishing | AUB‐111 Painting and Refinishing I |
Trade and Industrial Education | IM21 Woodworking I ANDIM22 Woodworking II | CAB‐111 Cabinetmaking I |
Trade and Industrial Education | IC00 Core and Sustainable Construction ANDIC21 Carpentry I | CAR‐110 Intro to Carpentry OR WOL‐110 Basic Construction Skills OR CST‐110 Intro to Construction |
Trade and Industrial Education | IC61 Drafting I | DFT‐111 Technical Drafting I I AND DFT‐111A Technical Drafting I I Lab |
Trade and Industrial Education | IC61 Drafting I I ANDIC62 Drafting I II ‐ Architectural | DFT‐115 Architectural Drafting IOR DFT‐119 Basic CAD ORARC‐114 Architectural CAD |
Trade and Industrial Education | IC61 Drafting I I ANDIV22 Drafting I II ‐ Engineering | DFT‐151 CAD I |
Trade and Industrial Education | IV23 Drafting I III ‐ Engineering | DFT‐112 Technical Drafting I II AND DFT‐112A Technical Drafting I II Lab * Must receive credit for DFT111 before receiving credit for DFT112 |
Trade and Industrial Education | IC00 Core and Sustainable Construction ANDIC41 Electrical Trades I AND IC42 Electrical Trades II | ELC‐113 Residential Wiring |
Trade and Industrial Education | IC00 Core and Sustainable Construction ANDIC11 Masonry I AND IC12 Masonry II | MAS‐110 Masonry I |
Trade and Industrial Education | IC13 Masonry III | MAS‐110 Masonry I |
Trade and Industrial Education | IM41 Metals Manufacturing Technology I ANDIM42 Metals Manufacturing Technology II | BPR‐111 Print Reading AND MAC‐111 Machining Technology I AND MAC‐151 Machining Calculations |
Trade and Industrial Education | IM61 Welding Technology I | WLD‐110 Cuƫting Processes |
Trade and Industrial Education | IM61 Welding Technology I ANDIM62 Welding Technology II | WLD‐110 Cutƫing Processes AND WLD‐115 SMAW (Stick) Plate |
Trade and Industrial Education | IM63 Welding Technology III | WLD‐121 GMAW (MIG) FCAW/Plate OR WLD 123 FCAW Plate |
Certifications, Licenses, and State/Industry Recognized Credentials
The coursework must have been completed, which resulted in the awarding of a valid certification, license, and/or state/industry recognized credential that is consistent with the CPL standards as approved by the Curriculum Course Review Committee (CCRC).
Credit for Prior Learning Crosswalks
Credit for Prior Learning Business Technologies
Certification: |
Industry/Organization: |
Hours: |
Course: |
Course Title: | Additional Requirements/
Suggested Evidence: |
Fundamental Payroll Certification | American Payroll Association | 2 | ACC 140 | Payroll Accounting | Non-Expired Certification |
Certified User Exam |
QuickBooks (Intuit)
www.QuickBooks/training/n et |
2 | ACC 150 | Accounting Software Appl | Non-Expired Certification |
Certificate of Capability Business Analysis
(CCBA) |
International Institute of Business Analysis | 3 | BAS 120 | Intro to Analytics | Non-Expired Certification |
Professional in Human Resources
(PHR) |
Society for Human Resource Management | 3 | BUS 256 | Recruit Select & Per Plan | Non-Expired Certification |
Senior Professional in Human Resources
(SPHR) |
Society for Human Resource Management | 3 | BUS 234 | Training and Development | Non-Expired Certification |
Senior Professional in Human
Resources (SPHR) |
Society for Human Resource Management | 3 | BUS 256 | Recruit Select & Per Plan | Non-Expired Certification |
Senior Professional in Human Resources
(SPHR) |
Society for Human Resource Management | 3 | BUS 259 | HRM
Applications |
Non-Expired Certification |
Advanced Certified Compensation Professional
(ACCP) |
World at Work | 3 | BUS 258 | Compensation and Benefits | Non-Expired Certification |
Certified Compensation Professional
(CCP) |
World at Work | 3 | BUS 258 | Compensation and Benefits | Non-Expired Certification |
Benefits Professional |
World at Work | 3 | BUS 258 | Compensation and Benefits | Non-Expired Certification |
Credit for Prior Learning: Manufacturing – Industrial
Industry Certification: | Issuing Industry/Organization: | Credit
Hours: |
Course #: |
Course Title: | Additional
Requirements: |
AWS Certified Welder Program SMAW Plate | American Welding Society (AWS) | 5 SHC | WLD 115 | SMAW
(Stick) Plate |
AWS Certified Welder Program GMAW Plate | American Welding Society (AWS) | 4 SHC | WLD 121 | GMAW (MIG)
FCAW/Plate |
AWS Certified Welder Program GTAW Plate | American Welding Society (AWS) | 4 SHC | WLD 131 | GTAW (TIG)
Plate |
NCCER Welding Level 1 | National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) | 2 SHC
5 SHC |
WLD 110
and WLD 111 and WLD 115 |
Cutting Processes Oxy-Fuel Welding SMAW
(Stick) Plate |
Curriculum correlates to the AWS SENSE
(Schools Excelling through national Skills Education) standards and guidelines for Entry Welder |
NCCER Welding Level 2 | National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) m/en/qualifications/nccer/weldin g.html | 4 SHC
4 SHC |
WLD 121
and WLD 131 |
FCAW/Plate GTAW (TIG) Plate |
Curriculum correlates to the AWS SENSE
(Schools Excelling through national Skills Education) standards and guidelines for Entry Welder |
AWS SENSE Welding I (Entry Level Welder Certificate | American Welding Society (AWS) Schools Excelling through National School Standards Education (SENSE) ense/ | 2 SHC
HC |
WLD 110
and WLD 111 and WLD 115 and WLD 121 and WLD 131 |
Cutting Processes Oxy-Fuel Welding SMAW (Stick) Plate GMAW (MIG)
FCAW/Plate GTAW (TIG) Plate |
NCCER Level I & II |
NIMS CNC Turning | National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS) | 4 SHC | AC 180 | CNC Turn: Prog Set & Oper | |
NIMS CNC Milling | National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS) | 4 SHC | MAC 181 | CNC Mill: Prog Set & Oper |
OSHA-30 Certification General Industry | USDOL Occupational Safety and Health Administration | 1 SHC
2 SHC |
ISC 110
or ISC 112 |
Workplace Safety Industrial
Safety |
OSHA-10 Certification General Industry | USDOL Occupational Safety and Health Administration | 1 SHC | ISC 110 | Workplace Safety | |
Certified Production Technician | Manufacturing Skills Standards Council
ISC 110
or ISC 112
Workplace Safety
Industrial Maintenance Mechanic Levels 1-3 | National Center for Construction Education & Research (NCCER) | 2 SHC
2 SHC |
MNT 110
and MNT 220 and MNT 230 |
Intro to Maint Procedures Maintenance Practices Mechanical Industrial Systems Rigging and Moving Industrial Sys Schematics Pumps & Piping Systems | |
Certified Logistics Technician (includes Certified Logistics Associate and Certified Logistics Technician – CLA, CLT) | Manufacturing Skills Standards Council
LOG 110
Introduction to Logistics
Certified in Production and | American Production and | 3 SHC | LOG 110 | Introduction to | |
Inventory Management APICS | Inventory Control Society | Logistics | |||
CPIM | APICS development/certifications- credentials/cpim/ |
Employment Ready: Air Conditioning Certificate AND
Employment Ready: Basic Refrigeration and Charging Procedures Certificate |
The ESCO Group | 5 SHC | AHR 110 | Intro to Refrigeration | Both certifications must be complete for credit |
Section 608 EPA Certification Program | The ESCO Group | 1 SHC | AHR 160 | Refrigerant Certification | |
CFC/EPA Certification | NC State Board of | 1 SHC | AHR 160 | Refrigerant | |
Section 608 | Refrigeration Examiners | Certification |
Industrial Maintenance Mechanic CMRP | Society for Maintenance & Reliability Professionals – SMRP | 2 SHC
MNT 110
Intro to Maint Procedures
Mechatronics – Industrial Electricity 1 | Packaging Machinery Manufacturers Institute – PMMI | 3 SHC
ELC 117 | Motors and
Controls |
Mechatronics – Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) 1 | Packaging Machinery Manufacturers Institute – PMMI | 3 SHC
4 SHC |
ELC 128
or ELN 260 |
Intro to PLC Prog Logic Controllers | |
NABCEP PV Installation Professional Certification | North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (Requires decision-making role experience in PV installations.
Requires OSHA 10.) content/uploads/2018/02/NABCE P-Certification-Handbook- V2018.compressed.pdf#page=14 |
3 SHC |
ELC 220
and ELC 221 |
Photovoltaic Sys Tech Adv PV Sys Designs | |
NABCEP PV Installer Specialist Certification | North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (Requires decision-making role experience in PV installations.
Requires OSHA 10.) content/uploads/2018/02/NABCE P-Certification-Handbook- V2018.compressed.pdf#page=14 |
3 SHC | ELC 220 | Photovoltaic Sys Tech |
Certified Electronics Technician – Associate | Electronics Technician Association https://www.eta- | 5 SHC
4 SHC |
ELC 112
and ELN 133 |
Electricity Digital Electronics |
Certified Quality Technician – CQT | America Society for Quality | 2 SHC
BPR 111
Print Reading
Certified Quality Improvement Associate – CQIA | America Society for Quality | 3 SHC
ISC 132 | Mfg Quality Control | |
Certified Six Sigma Black Belt | America Society for Quality | 3 SHC
ISC 132
Manufacturing Quality Control | |
Certified Six Sigma Green Belt | America Society for Quality | 3 SHC
ISC 132
Manufacturing Quality Control
Hydraulic Specialist Certification | International Fluid Power Society s-offered | 3 SHC
HYD 110
Hydraulics/ Pneumatics I |
Electronic Controls Specialist Certification | International Fluid Power Society s-offered | 3 SHC
HYD 110
and ELC 128 and ELC 131 |
Hydraulics/ Pneumatics I Intro to PLC
Circuit Analysis I |
Autodesk | Autodesk Certified Professional Inventor | 3 SHC
DFT 119
and/or DFT 170 |
Basic CAD
Engineering Graphics |
Autodesk | Autodesk Certified Professional Revit | 2 SHC
DFT 119
Basic CAD
Autodesk | Autodesk Certified User AutoCAD | 2 SHC
DFT 119
Basic CAD | |
Autodesk | Autodesk Certified User Inventor | 2 SHC | DFT 119
and/or DFT 170 |
Basic CAD Engineering Graphics |
SolidWorks | Certified SolidWorks Associate (CSWA) | 2 SHC
DFT 119
Basic CAD | |||||||||||
SolidWorks | Certified SolidWorks Professional (CSWP) | 2 SHC
DFT 119
Basic CAD
Credit for Prior Learning: Early Childhood
Autodesk Certified User Revit | 2 SHC
3 SHC |
DFT 119
and/or DFT 170 |
Basic CAD Engineering Graphics |
Standardized Exams
Advanced Placement
If a student has taken AP (Advanced Placement) courses in high school and has earned a score of “3” or higher, he/she is eligible to receive college credit for that score. Scores older than five years are not considered for transfer credit. The results of the Advanced Placement Examination should be sent directly from The College Board to the Records and Registration Office. To obtain official score reports contact:
AP Services
P.O. Box 6671
Princeton, NJ 08541-6671
Telephone 609.771.7300
Fax 609.530.0482
Our CB code is 5262. For further information about how to request a score report, visit the following Web site:
The following chart is an example of Gaston College credit equivalency for AP scores of 3, 4, or 5. All equivalencies are subject to change.
College-Level Examination Program® (CLEP®)
College-level credit is awarded to students who provide official CLEP (College Level Examination Program) results to the Records and Registration Office. Scores of 50 or above on subject examinations are required for college credit. No credit is given for the general examination. CLEP scores older than five years are not considered for transfer credit. For further information on CLEP contact:
P.O. Box 6601
Princeton, NJ 08541-6601
Telephone 609.771.7865
Cambridge Assessment International Education Examinations (CAIEE)
Must be completed with a grade of “E” or better, which is the equivalent to a grade of “C” or better in the U.S.
DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST)
Students must complete the DSSTs and earn the minimum score as recommended by the American Council on Education at the time the official score is evaluated. CPL will be the same amount of credit awarded students who completed the related course.
International Baccalaureate® (IB) Diploma Programme
Students must complete the IB with a score of 70 or higher.
Military Credit
Military Credit is awarded based on the Guide to the Evaluation of Education Experiences in the Armed Services.
Workforce Continuing Education
Workforce Continuing Education courses must have an equivalent learning outcome as a curriculum course to be considered for the awarding of CPL. In some cases, multiple Workforce Continuing Education courses may be combined to demonstrate an equivalent learning outcome for a curriculum course. In all cases, a grade of “S” or “C” or better must be earned for a Workforce Continuing Education course to be eligible for CPL. Awarded CPL for Workforce Continuing Education cannot be used to fulfill the residency requirement for graduation.
Gaston College recognizes “Registered Apprenticeships” as defined by the U.S. Department of Labor and will award CPL for a registered apprenticeship based on any applicable and approved statewide articulation, including an evaluation of the instruction provided when articulation is not applicable or approved. Work-based learning (WBL) course credit may be granted for the experiential portion of a Registered Apprenticeship; however, documentation, including completed time on task, must be provided through an Apprenticeship Agreement and constitute the documentational requirements of a WBL experience.
Public Safety Training (PST) Prefix Courses
Courses in the NCCCS Combined Course Library with a Public Safety Training (PST) prefix will be evaluated for the awarding CPL for industry-recognized public safety training and/or credentials. To be consistent with 1D SBCCC 400.8(c), credit will be considered for public safety training that meets the criteria outlined in the Public Safety Training (PST) course descriptions as listed in the Combined Course Library. Gaston College requires official documentation from the training provider or credentialing entity that validates, at a minimum, the description and length of training.
Portfolio Assessment
The College may award CPL based on portfolio assessment. For the purposes of this option and consideration, a portfolio must contain a collection of artifacts documenting competencies gained through prior life and learning experiences. The assessment may also require self-reflection on growth during the learning experiences, strength/weaknesses of the artifacts, and/or how well the artifacts demonstrate attainment of course learning outcomes or course learning objectives. The assessment would be conducted by subject matter expert(s) (SME) designated by the College. The SME(s) conducting the assessment will provide the rubric or instrument to assess the portfolio along with the minimum passing criteria. The portfolio assessment may also require a Credit by Examination (CBE) exam as per this policy, and if the CBE exam is outside of regular course enrollment, an assessment fee may apply. The maximum allowable CPL for portfolio assessment is 18 credits.
Students may be eligible to receive transfer credit(s) to Gaston College from nationally-accredited colleges and universities. Gaston College accepts transfer credits from institutions of higher education that are accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools and other national agencies recognized by the Council on Postsecondary Accreditation as described in the current edition of Transfer Credit Practices of Designated Educational Institutions published by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers.
A transfer credit evaluation is provided for each student with prior college work when the student has an application for admission on file with the Office of Admissions. Students must earn at least 25% of credit hours of their course work at Gaston College in order to receive a degree or diploma from Gaston College.
Time limits may restrict the transfer of some courses if it is determined that the course material is outdated. Only course work completed at Gaston College is used in computing grade point averages.
The student should meet with his/her academic division to determine how and if the course work will apply toward the student’s degree program and graduation requirements at Gaston College.
Credit will be awarded unless specifically prohibited by other College, Federal, State, or Accrediting Agencies (e.g., College Now, program specific accreditations, etc.).
- Courses which have a Gaston College equivalent course in terms of course title/content/semester hour equivalency. Students may be able to receive credit with divisional dean approval if the credit hours do not match. In these cases, students must still meet the minimum hours for the curriculum standard.
- Courses for which there is an equivalent course in the North Carolina Community College Common Course Library (CCL).
- Courses earned with letter grades of “C” or higher unless the course is from a North Carolina Community College. Grades of “D” will be accepted but may be below the minimum grade for some majors.
- Courses from nationally-accredited schools.
- Some military credits on a case-by-case basis with proper documentation.
- CLEP score(s) 50 or above subject to examination, less than five years old.
- AP credit and IB credit for scores of “3” or higher, less than five years old.
- Credit from foreign institutions, only if an official course-by-course evaluation is provided and all other transfer requirements have been met.
- Possible CJC credit for students who successfully complete the BLET program.
- Possible FIP credit earned from the National Fire Academy as recommended by ACES and approved by the Director of the Fire Protection Technology program.
- Possible AUT credit earned through the ASE examination and approved by the Chair of the Automotive Systems Technology program.
- Emergency Medical Science (EMS) credit is given to those that have passed the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) cognitive and practical examinations and received National EMS Certification as an EMT-Basic. These students must provide a letter from NREMT stating that they have passed their certification along with their NREMT certification card. Upon receipt the EMS Department Chair reviews their course work for credit to be accepted by Gaston College.
- The North Carolina High School to Community College Articulation Agreement is honored by Gaston College. As outlined in this agreement, high school students have an opportunity to earn college credit for specific courses taken in high school.. Credit may be awarded to high school students who complete specific high school courses. The following criteria must be met: a grade of B or higher earned on the high school course and a raw score of 80 or higher on the Career Technical Education post-assessment. Students must enroll in Gaston College within two years of their high school graduation date to receive this credit. Gaston College must be provided an official high school transcript from the School County Office showing the course(s), the grade(s) earned, and the corresponding Career Technical Education post-assessment scores. If the post-assessment scores are not reflected on the high school transcript, a letter on school letterhead stating the post-assessment scores and the corresponding course must be submitted with the high school transcript.
- Courses earned with a letter grade lower than a “C”, unless taken at a NC Community College. Please be aware that a “C” or better grade may be required for certain academic programs.
- Courses from non-nationally accredited schools.
- Work-Based Learning experience courses.
- Department-specific time limit restrictions (varies by department).
- Courses earned through credit by examination.
Academic Advisors other members of the college faculty and staff are available to advise and assist any student planning to transfer to a four-year institution. It is the student’s responsibility to follow their intended school’s admission requirements closely. These requirements are indicated in the particular institution’s catalog.
Because of the highly specialized nature of courses in particular programs, some courses are not designed for transfer to a four-year institution. Students also should note that courses numbered 100 or lower usually do not transfer.
Students are strongly advised to see an academic advisor regularly if they are planning to transfer to a four-year college or university. Representatives from four-year colleges visit the campus regularly in order to help Gaston College students plan their transfer programs.
Students that have been granted academic forgiveness or have repeated courses with deficient grades should contact their intended transfer institution about their course transfer policy. Many institutions count all course attempts upon transfer.