Gaston College Multimedia Release
The Gaston College Commencement ceremony is a public event and will be videotaped, photographed, and recorded. I understand that by attending I give permission for the College to photograph and record me and then use my physical likeness and sound in Gaston College publications and productions. Gaston College may convert the video, photographs, or audio into any format that exists now or may be devised in the future. The College may edit and repackage my physical likeness and sound as recorded this day into any existing format or one devised in the future. I will not seek any claim on Gaston College or anyone else with whom it contracted over the use of my physical likeness and sound recorded this day or for any other projects that will grow out of it. This means, among other things, that I will not sue for invasion of privacy, right of publicity, or any other right connected with the use of my physical likeness and sound recorded this day or any other projects that grow out of it. I intend for this to be a blanket release for Gaston College and anyone else it may deal with in order to broadcast, promote or distribute the images and sound recorded on this day or any projects that grow out of it.
Note for 2021 commencement – Additional video will be taken at the 2021 commencement ceremony for advertising purposes. This release applies to all video taken before, during, and/or after the commencement ceremony when on the premises at FUSE stadium for this event.