What is Career Counseling
Career Counseling
Career Counseling is the opportunity for you to meet with a counselor or advisor in a one-on-one appointment. The appointment lasts approximately 50 minutes, and we may discuss your:
- Interests (what you like or what interests you)
- Skills (what you can do or could learn to do well)
- Values (what matters to you)
- Personality (what you are like)
- Past experiences (what you have liked or disliked in the past)
- Option of majors or careers that you may not have considered before
- Methods for learning about new careers
- Concerns or difficulties with making a decision
As homework, we may give you a career assessment to help us identify any or all of these characteristics. When we can see these qualities clearly, it is easier for us both to see what a “good fit” could look like for you.
Career Assessments
Career assessments are a way to help you learn more about who you are and what you could want in a career. Career assessments meant to help create options; not take them away. While they are helpful, the career you choose is your decision to make and it is only a part of making a good career decision.
FOCUS 2 – Directions (pdf) An online system to develop a career plan, complete career assessments, and research careers that may interest you. Current students can register on their own using the directions. Prospective students will need to contact the Counseling Center to gain access. You will be able to review the results of this assessment immediately. We recommend making an appointment to discuss your results but do not require it.
College Foundation of North Carolina (CFNC) Career Assessments Take assessments to find out what your career values, interests, skills, and abilities are. Create an account for free to save your results and track careers that interest you.
Click Here and get started now with a career counselor!