It’s not too late to finish what you started! You may be able to earn a traditional high school diploma in as little as 6 weeks.

Adult High School Diploma (AHS)

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Adult High School Diploma (AHS)
100% online
No Cost

The Adult High School Diploma program (AHS) offers students a chance to complete the credits not earned in high school and receive a high school diploma through an agreement with the NC Community College System, the NC Department of Public Instruction, Gaston County Schools and Lincoln County Schools.

Students must provide an official (unopened) transcript from the last high school attended prior to being scheduled for placement testing. Previously earned credits transfer to Gaston College Adult High School and the remaining classes are completed in the Adult High School online program.

For admission to Adult High School, students must read on at least a 9th grade level. Placement testing and orientation are offered throughout the year, so enrollment is on a rolling schedule.

Gaston College Adult High School is 100% online and there is no cost to attend.

Important Information:

Contact Form:

Fill out the contact form below to get started. Once you fill out the form, someone will be in touch with next steps. 

Minor Paperwork

Gaston College does serve 16 and 17 year olds, but the following requirements must be met:

  • Student must have fully withdrawn from public school.
  • Student must have the required documentation:
    • Valid State issued ID card or Driver’s License or passport
    • Social Security Card or Tax Identification Card
  • Completed Minor Packet
    • North Carolina Dropout Prevention/Driver’s License Guidelines
      • Must be signed by student and parent or guardian
    • Special Petition
      • Must be completed by student and parent or guardian
      • Parent or guardian’s signature must be notarized
    • School Release Form
      • Must be signed by last Principal
      • District Superintendent’s signature (if student has been officially withdrawn less than six months.

A high school transcript is required.

Minor paperwork can be printed from the link below.  Copies can also be picked up on the 2nd floor of the CAS Building on the Dallas Campus or from the receptionist on the Lincoln Campus.

Click Here to download the Minor Paperwork Packet


If you have any questions, contact:

Tonya Propst, Secretary – LC 102
[email protected]

Debra Hissom, Coordinator – LC 106
[email protected] 

Pamela Beard,  Assistant Coordinator – LC 104
[email protected] 