Frequently Asked Questions for ART courses
Q: What are prerequisites for studio classes?
A: None of our foundation courses have prerequisites but students wanting to earn an AFA degree are highly encouraged to complete Two-dimensional Design and Three-dimensional in their first two semesters following the suggested sequence of courses.
Q: What is the difference between an AA and AFA?
A. The AA requires more hours in Humanities, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, and Mathematics. The AFA in Visual Arts requires a student to take specified art classes for a degree in the specialized arts area (graphic design, painting, ceramics, sculpture, photography, etc.).
Q: Will AFA degrees transfer to other institutions?
A: The AFA in Visual Arts is considered a transfer degree and is equal to the freshman/sophomore year at a four year university. It is important and very helpful for students to know what university they plan to attend for completion of their junior/senior years. This assists advisors in developing the right courses to be included in the program of study.
Q: When should I select an area of concentration in the art degree?
A: The student will be completing their foundation courses here. Therefore the student may not be ready to select a concentration in their freshman year; this is not unusual. The classes completed will transfer as a core and/or art elective to their chosen University/College. The Comprehensive Articulation Agreement enables Gaston College graduates who are admitted to UNC institutions to transfer with junior status.