We completed The Magical Bookcase in November, 2018, a little over two years after we started. This puzzle contained 18,000 pieces and measures 9 feet by 6 feet! Come by and view all of the details in this impressive undertaking from Gaston College students, faculty, and staff.
Part 1 (4,500 pieces) of the 18,000 piece puzzle completed.
Part 2 (next 4,500 pieces) ready to begin.
Another picture of Part 2 ready to begin. Come join us!!!
Evening Librarian Whit Preston and Information Access Librarian Calvin Craig help put the giant puzzle together.
Dr. Harry Cooke-Director of Libraries, Dallas Campus and Sarah Clemmer-ADA Compliance Assistance, Dallas, Campus.
Dallas Campus students, Daniel Keener and Maelle Garneau, in the Morris Library helping out as “the FUN begins” to connect the 18,000 piece puzzle.
Maria Baker-GC student, Dallas Campus and Kim Gelsinger-Director-Distance Education, Dallas Campus.
Dallas Campus students, Daniel Keener and Maelle Garneau, in the Morris Library helping out as “the FUN begins” to connect the 18,000 piece puzzle.
Dr. Harry Cooke-Director of Libraries, Dallas Campus and Sarah Clemmer-ADA Compliance Assistance, Dallas, Campus.