puzzleWe completed The Magical Bookcase in November, 2018, a little over two years after we started.  This puzzle contained 18,000 pieces and measures 9 feet by 6 feet! Come by and view all of the details in this impressive undertaking from Gaston College students, faculty, and staff.

IMG_1656Part 1 (4,500 pieces) of the 18,000 piece puzzle completed.

IMG_1657Part 2 (next 4,500 pieces) ready to begin.

IMG_1658Another picture of Part 2 ready to begin.  Come join us!!!

Evening Librarian Whit Preston and Information Access Librarian Calvin Craig help put the giant puzzle together.

pic-3-dr-harry-cookesarahclemmerDr. Harry Cooke-Director of Libraries, Dallas Campus and Sarah Clemmer-ADA Compliance Assistance, Dallas, Campus.

pic-1-danielkeenermaellegarneauDallas Campus students, Daniel Keener and Maelle Garneau, in the Morris Library helping out as “the FUN begins” to connect the 18,000 piece puzzle.

pic-1-mariabakerkimgelsingericMaria Baker-GC student, Dallas Campus and Kim Gelsinger-Director-Distance Education, Dallas Campus.

pic-2-danielkeenermaellegarneauDallas Campus students, Daniel Keener and Maelle Garneau, in the Morris Library helping out as “the FUN begins” to connect the 18,000 piece puzzle.

pic-2-drcookesarahclemmer Dr. Harry Cooke-Director of Libraries, Dallas Campus and Sarah Clemmer-ADA Compliance Assistance, Dallas, Campus.


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