Welcome to the Libraries at Gaston College. The Libraries serve the educational, research and cultural needs of Gaston College’s students, faculty, staff and the community at large. It does this by providing resources, information, cultural activities and access to the Internet. Library orientations, instruction and research assistance is offered.

Library Instruction

Make us the starting point for your research…

  • Do your students need to find and use library resources for class assignments?
  • Are you puzzled by your students’ choices of not-so-reliable resources when doing research?

We can help!

We are devoted to offering effective library instruction sessions for your students. Library instruction sessions are most successful when they are provided within the context of specific class assignments. Please send a copy of your assignment(s) when you request a library instruction session. We will be happy to work with you individually to create/modify your assignment. As library instruction sessions are collaborative in nature, we ask that you be present during the session.

To request library instruction for your class, please let us know:

  • Course number and name
  • Preferred time and date for library instruction
  • Number of instruction sessions
  • Number of students
  • Assignment(s) students are working on

Kindly provide us at least 3 days advance notice to enable the best possible scheduling and planning of your session. We can discuss possibilities of multiple sessions, hands-on sessions, information literacy assignments, or other options that best suit your course content and goals.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact the following instruction librarian for the campus you need.

  • Calvin Craig, Information Access Librarian – Morris Library (Dallas Campus) –
    [email protected]
  • Bonita King, Coordinator of Library Services – Lincoln Campus
    [email protected]
  • Jody Mosteller, Coordinator of Library Services – Kimbrell Campus
    704-825-3737 EXT 227
    [email protected]


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