2.1 Instructional Services
2.2 Copier Services
2.3 Interlibrary Loans
2.4 Reserves
2.5 Proctoring Tests
2.6 Special Needs Services
2.7 Copyright
2.8 Distance Learning
2.9 Electronic Classroom
2.10 Study Rooms (Scheduling)
2.11 Policy on Exhibits and Displays

2.1 Instructional Services
The Gaston College Libraries offer tours and instructional classes on the use of library resources – print materials, electronic databases, and virtual reference services. Classes can be conducted in the library or in a classroom setting. Librarians are available to design and teach instruction sessions tailored to fit the specific research and curricular needs of the students, as well as workshop and training needs for the faculty and staff. Sessions include, but are not limited to, guided hands-on practice with information technology – electronic database/online virtual reference searching demonstrations, and search strategy workshops for faculty, staff, and students.

  • Faculty, staff, students and other library users can request one-on-one tutorials to the libraries’ electronic databases, virtual reference services, and/or a general tour of the library
  • To schedule library instruction at the Morris Library, call 704-922-6357.
  • To schedule library instruction at the Lincoln Campus Library, call 704-748-1050.

2.2 Copier Services
Gaston College Libraries provide vendor-operated copy machines for photocopying. The libraries comply and support the Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, United States), which supports the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyright materials.

2.3 Interlibrary Loans
The Gaston College Libraries provide interlibrary loan service for students, faculty and staff. All library account holders, including community patrons, may request books from other libraries within the North Carolina Community College System. The Gaston College Libraries have signed a library cooperative agreement with libraries that make up the Community College Libraries in North Carolina (CCLINC) and follow the established CCLINC Interlibrary Loan Policies. Students, faculty and staff may request books from other colleges, universities, and public libraries by using the Interlibrary Loan request form on the library website. Community patrons will be referred to their local public library.

Estimated time for item arrival through postal service is three to five business days. Patrons will be notified by telephone or e-mail, and the item will be held for one week. Videos and audio books are generally not provided through interlibrary loan. Items are subject to the lending institutions’ due dates.

2.4 Reserves
Reserve services ensure that students have adequate access to high-demand items to complete classroom assignments.  The reserve collection may include items from the libraries’ collections, as well as personal materials. 

In order to place items on reserve, faculty members should complete the reserve request form.  Please allow twenty-four hours for materials to be processed and available for students’ use.

Checkout periods for reserve materials vary and can be adjusted to accommodate faculty and student needs.

Faculty members should review their reserve items at the end of each semester.

Items on reserve may be accessed at the Circulation Desk.  Items may be searched by the instructor’s name or subject/curriculum heading, on the online
catalog, on library Web site:

2.5 Proctoring Tests
The Libraries do not have staff available to proctor exams or tests.  Anyone needing their test proctored must contact the Gaston College Learning Center at each campus.

2.6 Special Needs Services
It is the goal of the Libraries to offer the fullest possible access for patrons with special needs.  The Morris Library maintains several pieces of equipment designed to assist patrons with special needs including a computer workstation with large monitor and special software providing Internet access and a Video Eye electronic visual aid.

2.7 Copyright
The libraries abide by current copyright laws.  Please refer to the Morris Library webpage for Gaston College Copyright policy.  The libraries will not violate copyright laws.

2.8 Distance Learning

The libraries provide ready access to library resources and services for students enrolled in distance learning classes.  All students are eligible for library cards, which enables them to checkout materials.  Web-based reference services are available from the libraries’ homepage, including the CCLINC consortium catalog, NC LIVE, and other databases. 

The information access librarian provides direct library support for distance learning students and is available through an e-mail link from the distance learning portion of the libraries’ webpage.

At the present time, most of the college’s distance learning students are also enrolled in seated classes and are able to register for library cards and passwords in the libraries.  If students are truly distance students and not on campus, they will be issued library cards and services via U.S. mail and email.

Cooperative agreements are in place that provides resource sharing and services within the North Carolina Community College System.

2.9 Electronic Classroom
The Electronic Classroom located in Morris Library on the 1st floor in room 112 is available to all faculty, staff and students at Gaston College.  There are 30 workstations available. Wifi is available for curriculum students.  There is an instructor’s station located in the front of the room attached to a data projector and there is a white board behind the screen.  The room also houses a Clear Touch whiteboard. Please see staff for assistance with any of the equipment.

 We are devoted to offering effective library instruction sessions for your students. Library instruction sessions are most successful when they are provided within the context of specific class assignments. Please send a copy of your assignment(s) when you request a library instruction session. We will be happy to work with you individually to create/modify your assignment. As library instruction sessions are collaborative in nature, we ask that you be present during the session.

Instructors who bring classes to use the library without booking a library session will be asked to book a session with the librarian.  During the days and especially in the evening there are not enough staff to make independent use an efficient way of utilizing library resources. 

To request library instruction for your class, please let us know:

·  Course number and name

·  Preferred time and date for library instruction

·  Number of instruction sessions

·  Number of students

·  Assignment(s) students are working on

Kindly provide us at least 3 days advance notice to enable the best possible scheduling and planning of your session. We can discuss possibilities of multiple sessions, hands-on sessions, information literacy assignments, or other options that best suit your course content and goals.

Independent Use

Occasionally instructors will ask to book the electronic classroom for independent work.  Because of the high demand on the electronic classroom there will be a maximum of only 3 dates to be booked at a time.   Once the 3rd date is completed you may submit a request for additional bookings and again at no more than a maximum of 3. 

Following library instruction, if there are occasions for independent work please be aware that the librarian is still available for continued instruction.  Even though the session is completed does not mean that instruction is completed.  On several occasions it is appropriate that the librarian check on the class to view progress and assist if additional help is needed. 

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact the following instruction librarian to book the electronic classroom:

Dallas Campus: Whit Preston, Information Access Librarian, Morris Library
[email protected] or 704.922.6359

Electronic Classroom Policies

    • No food or drink (per Technology Services policy regarding Gaston College computer labs)
    • Please keep noise to a minimum
    • When class is in session please close both doors
    • Pick up all trash and push chairs under tables
    • All students will abide by the Gaston College Acceptable Use Policy regarding computer access
    • The Electronic Classroom closes 15 minutes before the library.  Please consult the Morris Library hours for more information.

2.10 Study Room (Scheduling)

The Morris Library houses two study rooms that may be scheduled.  One study room is located on the first floor (room 107) and provides seating for seven (7) around a work table.  The other study room is located on the second floor of the library (room 210).  This room has seating for ten (10) around a work table.

Please be aware to abide by the food and drink policy of Morris Library while using the rooms.

Please use the Study Room Reservation form to book the study room. 

2.11 Policy on Exhibits and Displays


The Gaston College Libraries provide space in the Main and branch library facilities for exhibits and displays of educational, cultural, civic, or recreational content. Content that is purely commercial, false, misleading, defamatory, obscene, or otherwise inflammatory is prohibited. Exhibit cases and display areas are made available to students, faculty and staff, community groups, organizations, and individual citizens on an equitable basis and use is not denied or abridged because of race, religion, age, gender, national origin, handicapping condition, beliefs, affiliations, or social and/or political views. The library subscribes in principle to the statements of policy on library philosophy expressed in the LIBRARY BILL OF RIGHTS and its official interpretations as adopted by the American Library Association, and it should be considered as an integral part of this policy. Copies of this document can be found on the American Library Association website at


Acceptance of an exhibit or the display of items in a Libraries facility does not constitute endorsement of the beliefs, viewpoints, policies, or affiliations of the exhibitor by the Libraries, the administration or the Board of Trustees of Gaston College.


Exhibit reservations are taken in person or by telephone at each Library location. Exhibits must be approved and scheduled in advance. Display cases and wall spaces are booked for one calendar month per exhibit. The number and frequency of exhibits per individual or group is based on, and limited by, demand. The exhibitor is responsible for timely installation and removal of contents displayed. The Libraries will not provide storage for display items.

Pamphlets, brochures, flyers, or other printed matter must be approved for posting or public distribution in the Libraries. The Libraries cannot commit bulletin board and display rack space to any individual or organization for ongoing informational or promotional purposes.


The Libraries cannot sell, or promote the sale of, items exhibited or displayed. A price list and/or business cards can be provided to interested viewers.


Exhibit and display materials that could cause damage or result in excessive wear and tear to display cases, walls, bulletin boards, or display racks are not permitted. Posters, banners, tags, labels, etc. cannot be affixed to walls, ceilings, doors, furniture, or otherwise displayed on Library property without permission.

The Director of Libraries and designated Library employees are authorized to deny or terminate exhibit and display privileges to individuals or groups who violate this POLICY FOR EXHIBITS AND DISPLAYS and/or the Libraries’ Rules of Behavior Policy. An authorized adult representative of the individual or group exhibitor must complete a Gaston College Libraries Exhibit and Display Release Form to signify compliance prior to installing an exhibit or display.

The Exhibitor will provide a list describing the items to be displayed which includes title, media, sales price, and value (seventy percent of sales price) to be attached to the agreement. Gaston College is responsible for insuring display items while they are in the Gaston College Libraries.


If the lender of the exhibit chooses to maintain his/her own insurance, the Gaston College Libraries must be notified in writing and supplied with a certificate of insurance naming Gaston College Libraries as an additional assured or waiving subrogation rights against the Gaston College Libraries. If the lender shall fail to supply the Gaston College Libraries with such a certificate, this loan agreement will constitute a release of the Gaston College Libraries from any liability in connection with the objects. The Gaston College Libraries cannot accept responsibility for any error or deficiency in information furnished to the lender’s insurer, or for any lapses in coverage.

Unless otherwise instructed in writing and subject to the restrictions below, the Gaston College Libraries will insure objects loaned to it under its exhibition floater policy, for the amount specified on the face of the agreement, from the time the Gaston College Libraries receive the objects until the time of return receipt, against all risks of physical loss or damage from any external cause while in the Gaston College Libraries’ custody. The policy referred to contains such usual exclusions as loss or damage due to the gradual deterioration, dampness of atmosphere, extremes of temperature, wear and tear, moths, vermin, or inherent vice; dishonesty of insured’s employees; electrical injury or disturbance; loss or damage to animals; hostile or warlike action; weapons of war employing atomic fission or radioactive force; insurrection, invasion, hostilities, confiscation by order of any government or public authority, risks of contraband or illegal transportation and/or trade. A certificate of insurance will be sent on request.

The Gaston College Libraries is proud to display objects but because of the delicacy and/or frailty of some works, we are sometimes unable to provide coverage for items that are difficult to insure. In these instances, we must insist that artists maintain their own insurance on such works, or waive insurance coverage on such works, as provided for below.

While insurance will usually be placed in the amount specified by the lender, the Gaston College Libraries reserve the right to question such evaluation. The signing of this agreement by the Gaston College Libraries does not constitute endorsement of the lender’s stated value. If no amount of insurance is specified by the lender, the Gaston College Libraries will insure the property at its own estimated valuation; however, such valuation shall not be construed to be an appraisal by the Gaston College Libraries.


Unless the Gaston College Libraries are notified in writing to the contrary, it is understood that objects on loan may be photographed and reproduced in Gaston College publications and for publicity purposes connected with the exhibition; and that slides of them may be made and distributed for educational use.

The Gaston College Libraries’ policy allows photography by members of the public using hand-held flash or video cameras. The Gaston College Libraries must be notified in writing if the lender wishes to restrict this usage.


Items will be returned to the lender only against a receipt signed by the lender, or his/her duly authorized agent or local representative, at the time of delivery. In case of change of legal ownership during the loan period, the new owner will be required to establish his/her or its legal right, title and interest in and to such objects by proof satisfactory to the Gaston College Libraries.

The Gaston College Libraries’ right to return the objects shall accrue absolutely at the termination of the loan. If the Gaston College Libraries, after making all reasonable efforts and through no fault of its own, shall be unable to return the objects within ninety days after such termination, then the Gaston College Libraries shall have the absolute right to place the objects in storage, to charge regular storage fees, and to have and enforce a lien for such fees. If after two years, the objects shall not have been reclaimed, then and in consideration for its storage and safeguarding during such period, the objects shall be deemed an unrestricted gift to the Gaston College Libraries.

Upon reasonable notice by the Gaston College Libraries, objects may be returned to the lender prior to the termination of the loan agreement.


Responsibility for the enforcement and interpretation of this policy is delegated to the Director of Libraries or his/her designee. Complaints must be submitted in writing to the Director of Libraries.

Page last updated April 26, 2024

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