ABC/CLIO Digital Collection
The ABC/CLIO Digital Collection is a collection of complete all searchable by keyword, subject, author, title, or any Boolean search method. It includes the series Daily Life Through History, Critical Companions to Popular Contemporary Authors, Historic Events of the 20th Century, Literature in Context, as well as American Slavery: A Composite Autobiography.
African-American Poetry
Nearly 3,000 poems written by African-American poets in the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
Coverage: Indexed from 1750 to 1900
American Poetry
Over 40,000 poems by more than 200 American poets from the Colonial Period to the early twentieth century.
Coverage: Indexed from 1600 to 1900
eBooks Collection
eBooks Collection offers easy access to the full text of more than 22,000 reference, scholarly, and professional full-text books online.
English Poetry
Essentially the complete English poetic canon from 600 to 1900. Over 165,000 poems by more than 1,250 poets drawn from nearly 4,500 printed sources.
Coverage: Indexed from 600 to 1900
Faber Poetry Library
A collection of some of the most influential poets of the twentieth century. The Faber list includes Ted Hughes, Seamus Heaney, T. S. Eliot and Sylvia Plath covering the seventy year history of this major publishing house.
Literature Resource Center
The Literature Resource Center contains more than 371,000 full-text journal articles, 38,000 critical essays, and over 122,000 author biographies. It also includes Merriam-Webster’s Encyclopedia of Literature, featuring 10,000 definitions of literary terms as well as 4,329 work overviews, plot summaries and explications.
Salem Press – Literature
Online access to many Salem Press literature references and the Salem Press Critical Insights reference series. Critical Insights titles include John Steinbeck, James Baldwin, Mark Twain, Robert Frost, Stephen King, Death of a Salesman, All Quiet on the Western Front, To Kill a Mockingbird, and many others.
Twentieth Century African-American Poetry
A collection of poetry written by the most important and influential African American poets of the twentieth century. Presently includes over 6,000 poems from over 100 complete editions by 46 poets.
Coverage: Indexed from 1901 to 1998
Twentieth Century American Poetry
A database of modern and contemporary American poetry from the early twentieth century to the present. Presently includes 36,000 poems drawn from 460 volumes by 217 poets.
Twentieth Century English Poetry
Containing tens of thousands of works by 288 poets, Twentieth-Century English Poetry provides an overview of poetry written in the 20th century by both established and emerging writers.